
Mountain Valley Pipeline Owner Equitrans Considering Asset Sale

While there is no certainty that the company would decide to proceed with the sale, it would likely attract interest if it were to launch a sale process in early 2024, coinciding with the expected completion of the Mountain Valley pipeline.

Canadian Regulators Approve Preliminary Interim Tolls on Expanded Trans Mountain Pipeline

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) on Thursday approved preliminary interim tolls for the expanded Trans Mountain pipeline system, allowing the project to begin charging for shipping services once operations start.

Canadian Pipeline Operator TC Energy Forecasts Higher 2024 Earnings Despite Competition

TC's Keystone oil pipeline, which moves crude from Alberta to U.S. Midwest refineries and the Cushing, Oklahoma storage hub, faces stiffer competition starting in the first quarter when the Canadian government-owned Trans Mountain pipeline is scheduled to complete an expansion.

Trans Mountain Faces Regulatory Hearing on Pipeline Variance Request

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) has ordered the company building the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion (TMX) to appear at an oral hearing on Monday, as the regulator weighs whether to approve a variance request from the project.

Few Ranking Surprises in Annual P&GJ Listings

(P&GJ) – The list of companies leading the way in Pipeline & Gas Journal’s 42nd annual 500 Report will certainly be familiar to long-time midstream observers, with little shake-up in rankings occurring between the 2022 and 2023 editions of the publication.

TC Energy Receives FERC Approval for Virginia Reliability Project

Columbia Gas Transmission’s Virginia Reliability Project (VRP) is an expansion project that would replace two existing segments of the pipeline system to continue reliable and abundant natural gas supply.

M6 System Expansion Nears Completion, Set to Enhance Gulf Coast Connectivity

(P&GJ) — A critical aspect of the M6 system expansion is the completion of the New Generation Gas Gathering (NG3) project, expected in 2024. This project will add approximately 275 miles of natural gas gathering pipelines and 2.2 Bcf/day of capacity to premium Gulf Coast and LNG markets, playing a pivotal role in serving the Gulf Coast market.

Trans Mountain Resumes Pipeline Expansion Work in British Columbia After Addressing Regulatory Concerns

The Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project on Tuesday said it had been allowed to resume work in a wetland area near Abbotsford, British Columbia, after correcting issues raised by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER).

Sinopec Signs New 27-Year LNG Supply Deal with QatarEnergy

Under the agreement, the two companies will cooperate on the second phase of the Gulf Arab state's North Field expansion project, which will supply 3 million metric tons of LNG per year to Sinopec.

Trans Mountain Ordered to Stop Pipeline Work Over Environmental Non-Compliance

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) on Thursday ordered the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project to stop work in a wetland area near Abbotsford, British Columbia, after inspectors found several environmental and safety-related non-compliances.

MPLX Completes Whistler Pipeline Expansion, Advances Permian Gas Processing Plant

In the Permian Basin, MPLX completed its Whistler pipeline expansion from 2 Bcf/d to 2.5 Bcf/d at the end of Q3. In the Delaware Basin, MPLX also progressed the construction of its sixth natural gas processing plant, Preakness ll, expected online in the first half of 2024, the company said.

WBI Energy's North Dakota Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion Gets FERC Approval

(P&GJ) — For the project, WBI Energy will construct approximately 60 miles of 12-inch natural gas pipeline and ancillary facilities to Wahpeton from an existing compressor station at Mapleton, North Dakota.

Mountain Valley Pipeline Completion Pushed to First-Quarter 2024, Costs Rise to $7.2 Billion

(P&GJ) — Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC has redefined its timeline for completing the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project, now aiming for a startup in the first quarter of 2024, the company announced in a regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Oct. 18.

CER Commission Recommends Approval of NorthRiver Midstream Connection Project

(P&GJ) — The Commission of the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) recommended approval of NorthRiver Midstream's NEBC Connector Project on Oct. 18. The project involves constructing and operating two parallel, 215-km (134-mile) natural gas liquids pipelines from B.C. to Alberta.

FERC Approves TC Energy's 1,377-Mile West Coast Pipeline Expansion

(P&GJ) — Despite strong opposition from environmental activists and high-ranking officials in West Coast states, federal regulators have granted approval for the 1,377-mile (2,216-kilometer) pipeline spanning across Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.

Mitsui Considers Stake in Qatar's North Field LNG Expansion Project

Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co is considering buying a stake in the North Field LNG expansion project in Qatar as a way to ensure a stable supply of LNG, a Mitsui spokesperson said.

Canadian Regulator Set to Decide on Trans Mountain Expansion Tolls

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) said on Thursday it will make a preliminary decision on Trans Mountain Corp.'s proposed shipping tolls for its oil pipeline expansion project this autumn before holding a hearing on the tolls next year.

QatarEnergy, TotalEnergies Sign 27-Year LNG Supply Agreement

Qatar on Wednesday secured its largest and longest European gas supply deal from Doha's massive production expansion project, providing France with up to 3.5 million metric tons of LNG a year for 27 years.

Trans Mountain to Begin Line Fill for Canadian Oil Pipeline in First-Quarter 2024

The Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion will initiate the line fill process in the first quarter of 2024, with an expected duration of six to seven weeks. Filling the pipeline with oil will require about 4.5 million barrels, Trans Mountain Corp said.

Keyera Completes 357-Mile Key Access Pipeline System

(P&GJ) — Keyera Corp. has successfully completed the Key Access Pipeline System (KAPS), a 575-kilometer (357-mile) NGLs and condensate pipeline. It will transport 350,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of NGL and condensate from the Montney and Duvernay basins to Keyera's processing hub in Alberta's Industrial Heartland, Fort Saskatchewan.

416-Mile Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project 98% Complete

(P&GJ) — TC Energy’s Coastal GasLink pipeline project is 98% complete, signaling the culmination of a significant milestone in the development of the 670-km (416-mile) pipeline, according to the company’s September construction update.

Projects September 2023

The Trans Mountain expansion project plans to call on oil producers to start filling the pipeline in the days ahead, the head of shipper Canadian Natural Resources said during a quarterly earnings call.

FERC Approves Sempra's Port Arthur LNG Phase 2 Expansion Project

(P&GJ) — Sempra Infrastructure has announced that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved the permit authorizing the Port Arthur LNG Phase 2 expansion project under development at Port Arthur LNG in Jefferson County, Texas.

P&GJ’s Europe 500 Report of Top Pipelines

(P&GJ) — Following is a listing of some of the longest transportation routes on the continent of Europe as of July 2023. This third such report will be broken down into two sections, gas and liquids (oil and products), which will be updated in each of our September issues going forward.

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion to Disrupt Oil Flow to US, Boost Prices

Canada's Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion (TMX), which will nearly triple the flow of crude from Alberta to Canada's Pacific Coast beginning early next year, will shake up North America's supply by diverting barrels now mainly delivered to refiners and exporters in the U.S. Midwest and Gulf Coast.

Canada's Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline's Faces Hearing on Route Change Dispute

Canadian regulators on Monday kicked off a two-day hearing to weigh up a controversial route change request from the Trans Mountain expansion (TMX) project that has sparked Indigenous opposition and may lead to further delays for the key oil pipeline.

Trans Mountain Asks Regulator to Approve Oil Pipeline Tolls Despite Shipper Complaints

Trans Mountain Corp., the oil pipeline company owned by the Canadian government, asked a regulator on Thursday to approve the proposed tolls it wants to charge shippers, who have said they are too high.

Trans Mountain Pipeline May Face 9-Month Delay Over Route Dispute

The Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion could be delayed by up to nine months if regulators do not approve a route deviation request, the Canadian government corporation building the project said in a regulatory filing on Monday.

Tellurian Drops Equity-Ownership Condition for Driftwood LNG Project

Tellurian Inc. will sell LNG supplies to non-equity holders to bring its long-delayed Driftwood LNG project to fruition, Chairman Charif Souki said this week. The company plans to offer up to 11 million of its 27.6 MTPA output under offtake agreements to get Driftwood across the finish line.

Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Faces Further Delays Over Route Change Dispute

Trans Mountain Corp. fears that the expansion of its Canadian oil pipeline may be delayed further unless a regulator allows it to change its route in British Columbia, according to a First Nation that opposes the route adjustment.