
2022 Global Pipeline Construction Outlook
17 February 2022

Sponsor: PLH Group and Midwestern Contractors


Pipeline & Gas Journal’s annual survey of pipeline construction activity provides a unique snapshot of project mileage in development or under construction on a global and regional basis, along with insights into key market drivers influencing midstream investment decisions in the new year.

In this webcast, Editor-in-Chief Michael Reed and Executive Editor Jeff Awalt will share key findings from P&GJ’s 2022 Global Pipeline Construction Report, discuss the outlook for midstream recovery in a post-pandemic era, and review some of the key infrastructure projects that are now underway on a region-by-region basis. 

In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to participate in this interactive webcast by submitting questions in real time during a live Q&A session with P&GJ editors.

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The Evolution of SCADA and Enterprise
8 February 2022

Sponsor: Stratus Technologies

The change that is now permeating our industry is not constrained to how we operate but also extends to the tools that are now being employed to further optimize our processes and to deliver cost cutting improvements. Advanced analytics using AI and ML are optimizing recurring activities such as scheduled maintenance and equipment inspections.  Combined with Edge and Cloud technology, these tools are changing the industry landscape by redefining automation and allowing a previously unheard-of level of efficiency.

To realize the benefits of this technology, additional hardware and software will need to be deployed to collect and cleanse data at the edge.  The edge platform employed to do this must be designed with both hardware and software geared to be easily installed and maintained and it must enable the current IT support staff to increase network size while minimizing workload impact. 

Participants will learn about: 

  • Next evolution of automation and autonomous operations
  • Utilizing solutions to enable edge to enterprise 
  • Important factors to consider a scalable edge solution


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How Pipeline Operators are Planning to Evolve Their SCADA Platforms Through 2030
14 December 2021

Sponsor: Emerson

Join us as we unpack the results of our recent supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system survey and learn which steps oil and gas pipeline operators are taking to protect their systems and critical data long term. This Emerson-sponsored survey addresses a range of topics, including cybersecurity, systems integration, user experience, situational awareness, and data warehousing.

There is significant upside to implementing an integrated SCADA platform, but this integration may extend beyond what you are familiar with today. We will discuss how to securely drive optimization enterprise wide by cohesively managing data in a single SCADA platform, from operations to commercial requirements.

This webinar is highly recommended to anyone who plays a role in, or is responsible for, specifying a SCADA platform. You will get expert insight on the most important considerations to keep in mind along with advice on how integrate advanced applications to maximize your return on investment.

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Strategies and tactics to comply with new DHS Cybersecurity Requirements
7 December 2021

Sponsor: Stratus


Address the new requirements from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation Security Administration TSA) with simple scalable technologies. Join the Oil and Gas teams from Xage Security and Stratus Technology to discuss approaches to security posture for Pipeline Operators.

Highly available and scalable cybersecurity solutions for critical infrastructure are part of the Xage Security Fabric in ztC Edge and ftServer, protecting operational data from controller to enterprise without disrupting operations.

Key insights include:

•    DHS/TSA/CISA guidelines
•    Hardening of IT/OT systems from ransomware and cyber attack
•    Strategy for meeting reporting requirements

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Industrial Autonomy Secures a Path Forward for Every Pipeline
9 November 2021

Sponsor: Honeywell

The operational and business success of industrial facilities requires systems that increase safety, reliability and efficiency, plus demonstrate the flexibility to adapt to market innovations and pressures. Technology available today is providing a timely response to industry needs, including the desire for preparedness and resilience. Industrial autonomy is the thoroughfare to this next level of performance, and for industrial operators this means knowing which technology to focus on to get you there.

Get a path forward for your pipeline operations and learn how others already on the journey to industrial autonomy got started.

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API RP 1173 – Pipeline SMS Assessments: Overview and Implementation
28 October 2021

Sponsor: American Petroleum Institute

API Recommended Practice (RP) 1173, Pipeline Safety Management Systems, allows companies to take a principled and performance-based approach to managing complex pipeline operations. Implementing a Pipeline SMS (PSMS) using API RP 1173 improves pipeline safety performance and ultimately moves the industry closer to our shared goal of zero pipeline incidents.

The API PSMS Third-Party Assessment Program, based on API RP 1173, was created as a consistent, out-of-the-box solution to satisfy PSMS assessment requirements. It uses the industry approved tools and maturity model, coupled with real-time benchmarking. During this webinar, Colin Frazier, Senior Manager at API, will give an overview of the API Third-Party PSMS Assessment Program. Dwight Johnston, an experienced API PSMS assessor, will follow to discuss key implementation barriers seen during assessments, highlighting key sections of RP 1173 that warrant additional consideration. Questions will be taken at the end of the presentation.


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Green, Blue, and What to do with the CO2
21 October 2021

Sponsor: SICK

Hydrogen production, whether green or blue, presents challenges with custody transfer measurement. This presentation will offer a short discussion on the colors (types) of hydrogen, carbon capture, and sequestration.

See what SICK is doing to solve the measurement challenges associated with these fluids that have been problematic to measure.

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Understanding and Preparing for the PHMSA Final Rule’s Guidance on Gas Gathering Lines
7 October 2021

Sponsor:  MISTRAS

As the release of the Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) final rule on gas gathering lines nears, this webinar will provide pipeline operators the info they need to prepare and ensure compliance. Ideal for Operations Directors/Managers, Compliance and Regulatory Specialists, and GIS Directors/Managers, this webinar will cover what is known and unknown about the rule, what operators can do to prepare, expectations for Operations & Maintenance (O&M) manual updates and Potential Impact Radius (PIR) calculation requirements, and more. Presented by Integrity Plus by MISTRAS, join this webinar on October 7, 2021 to ensure compliance with the upcoming rule.

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