
Mastering Hose Selection in Your Facility
17 August 2023

Sponsored by: Swagelok

Hoses may seem like straightforward components, but choosing the right one for your applications is not always easy. Not all hoses are created equal—even hoses of similar construction—and hoses must be carefully matched to applications. Hoses will often fail or wear prematurely if they are not well suited for an application, and even properly selected hoses can fail if installed incorrectly. Hose failures are unfortunately a very common source of equipment downtime and can create significant safety risks, so it is important to treat hoses as critical equipment and handle their selection accordingly. In this webinar, we will teach you how. Attend this presentation to learn:

  • How proper selection and installation can significantly increase hose life and reduce safety concerns within your facilities
  • Strengths and weaknesses of various hose types
  • The importance of proper hose routing and how to do it correctly
  • Why differences in hose construction techniques matter


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Latest Developments in Natural Gas Metering with Clamp-on Ultrasonic Meters
20 July 2023

Sponsored by: Flexim

The last 20 years have seen clamp-on meters working on a full range of gas applications. Many non-fiscal applications that were done by orifice, turbine, and ultrasonic spool meters are being done by clamp-on meters. These meters are cost effective, easy to install, and are proving to be very reliable and accurate. Flexim will give an overview of the technology, new developments, show laboratory & field results, and a range of applications where clamp-on meters are being applied in upstream, midstream and downstream applications. 

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Pipeline Safety Management Systems (SMS): Contractor Safety Programs Integration
11 May 2023

Sponsored by: American Petroleum Institute (API)

In November 2022, API and the joint Pipeline SMS Industry Team published Pipeline SMS: A Contractor’s Guide to give pipeline contractors and service providers an enhanced understanding of how the scope of their safety programs should be integrated with an operator’s Pipeline SMS. A tool has been created with industry collaboration showcasing 56 key requirements of API RP 1173: Pipeline Safety Management Systems, that will help operators and contractors integrate their safety efforts. In this webinar, industry will show how the newly developed tool will help contractors and service providers mature internal safety programs that support Pipeline SMS. The tool is scalable based on the size of the organization and the scope of work and can be a valuable tool in starting the PSMS journey. In addition to reviewing the tool, the webinar will highlight good practices seen from a pipeline operator and a service company on the value gained from integration of their safety programs.

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2023 Global Pipeline Construction Outlook
15 February 2023

Sponsor: TDW

Pipeline & Gas Journal’s annual survey of pipeline construction activity provides a unique snapshot of project mileage in development or under construction on a global and regional basis, along with insights into key market drivers influencing midstream investment decisions in the new year.

In this webcast, Editor-in-Chief Michael Reed and Executive Editor Jeff Awalt will share key findings from P&GJ’s 2023 Global Pipeline Construction Report, discuss the outlook, and review some of the key infrastructure projects that are now underway on a region-by-region basis. 

In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to participate in this interactive webcast by submitting questions in real time during a live Q&A session with P&GJ editors.

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Grab Sampling – Liquid Sampling Valve Basics
1 November 2022

Sponsored By: Swagelok

 Every day, grab (or spot) sampling systems allow oil, gas, and chemical companies around the world to simply and accurately determine the quality and composition of the fluids they process. In many cases, however, opportunities remain to improve the ease-of-use, safety, and maintenance requirements of these system by rethinking aspects of their design. In the case of panels that draw liquid samples into laboratory bottles, changes to valve assembly designs, specifically, can yield benefits for operators and maintenance personnel. In this webinar, learn about what it takes to conduct effective liquid sampling, how aspects of valve assembly design affect system efficacy and lifecycle costs, and what options exist to optimize your grab sampling processes. Expect to walk away better equipped to operate leak-tight, accurate, simple-to-maintain systems.

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Key Changes to Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators (API Recommended Practice 1162, 3rd Edition)
19 October 2022

Sponsor: American Petroleum Institute (API)

Join the American Petroleum Institute (API) for this live webinar covering the third edition of API Recommended Practice 1162, Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators, published August 11, 2022. Webinar attendees will receive an overview of the document, a summary of the key changes from the previous to the current edition and an explanation of how those changes impact existing pipeline public awareness programs.

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Preventing Pipeline Corrosion: Monolithic Isolation Joints Vs Flange Isolation Kits
12 October 2022

Sponsor: GPT Industries

Protecting your pipeline from corrosion isn't easy. There are numerous methods and solutions available, and each application has its unique challenges. In this webinar, we intend to navigate you through one such dilemma, Flange Isolation Kits or Monolithic joint?

Guiding you through the process of the correct solution selection right up through to post installation, using real world examples and insight from the industry experts on Isolation solutions.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Selection Criteria – How do I decide what will work best?
  • Pros and Cons of FIKs vs. MIJs
  • Current Trends in Isolation techniques and solutions
  • Pre and Post installation practices for MIJ and FIK
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Reducing methane emissions during pipeline repair and maintenance
5 October 2022

Sponsor: STATS Group 

 Pipeline operators face challenges associated with eliminating methane emissions during intervention activities such as hot tapping and line isolation for mainline replacement and facility upgrades. This webinar will provide an understanding of how STATS BISEP® double block and bleed isolation technology, can be used to achieve a leak-tight and emission-less isolation. This approach allows operators to complete critical maintenance and repair activities safely without the need to flare or vent methane into the atmosphere.

A case study will be discussed highlighting the use of the BISEP and how it helped an operator to reduce methane emissions on a natural gas pipeline project and support the client to achieve their methane emissions reduction goal.

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