September 2019, Vol. 246, No. 9
Global News
FERC Creating New LNG Division, Opening Houston Office
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Neil Chatterjee announced the agency is creating a new division in its Office of Energy Projects to accommodate the growing number and complexity of applications to site, build and operate liquefied natural gas export terminals.
The new Division of LNG Facility Review & Inspection (DLNG) will consist of 20 existing LNG staff members in Washington, D.C., and eight new full-time staffers to be based in a new Houston Regional Office.
“As the demand for U.S. LNG and the number and complexity of project applications has grown, the commission has experienced a similar growth in the need for FERC to expand its oversight in this program area,” Chatterjee said.
FERC had 13 people dedicated to working on LNG issues in early 2018, and that number has since grown to 20 staffers whose work is critical to engineering reviews, safety reviews and engineering analyses for environmental documents.
The creation of DLNG and expansion in Houston will help prepare FERC for the additional work necessary once LNG project applicants make final investment decisions and move toward construction. P&GJ