December 2019, Vol. 246, No. 12
Plastic Pipe Report
PPI Offers Overview on NDT for Plastic Pipe

The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) published a new document, Inspection of Plastic Pipes, Fittings and Joints Using Non-Destructive Test Methods and Evaluation (TN-60), which provides an overview of non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques that have been introduced into the plastic pipe industry.
“This is the first document of its kind for our industry,” said Sarah Patterson, technical director of PPI. “The goal of TN-60 is to bring awareness to a number of factors when using NDT for the inspection of plastic pipes, fittings and joints, while emphasizing that careful due diligence is needed when selecting an NDT technology and inspection team.”
There is a high degree of complexity in reading the scans from an NDT inspection, which are similar to a medical X-rays. While a qualified technician can take the X-ray, it takes a medical doctor to review the results and provide the analysis.
Interest in the topic, according to PPI, has gained considerable momentum during the past several years. The reason for the growing interest in part stems from technology that advanced to the standards organization for the inspection of plastic pipes, fittings and joints.