July 2016, Vol. 243, No. 7
SwRI Engineer Earns IHSM Award for Significant Contributions

Darin L. George, a principal engineer in Southwest Research Institute’s (SwRI) Mechanical Engineering Division, is the recipient of the 2016 Laurance S. Reid Award given by the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement (ISHM). He was honored at a ceremony held May 10 in Oklahoma City.
The annual acknowledgement recognizes an outstanding individual for making significant contributions to hydrocarbon measurement or control. The award is given in memory of Laurance S. Reid, a petroleum industry consultant and longtime professor of chemical and petroleum engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Reid, who died in 1986, served as chairman of the ISHM Executive Committee.
“We are very proud of the contributions that Darin has made to the natural gas measurement research community,” said Danny Deffenbaugh, vice president of SwRI’s Mechanical Engineering Division. “Many of the current measurement practices and procedures have been influenced by Darin’s research, and these findings have been critical to the development of various industry standards.”
Since 2001, George has taught ISHM courses in natural gas sampling, hydrocarbon dew points, and the effects of water vapor on natural gas energy content. In 2007, he received ISHM’s Memorial Award for his paper on reducing uncertainty in gas quality measurements. George, a recognized expert on natural gas quality and natural gas sampling, has over 20 years of experience in research related to the measurement of gas and multiphase flows.
At SwRI, he has conducted research to improve natural gas quality assessment using gas chromatography, and the accurate prediction and measurement of hydrocarbon dew points, along with other natural gas quality measures. Much of George’s research at SwRI has been used to develop American Petroleum Institute (API) standards for natural gas sampling practices and gas chromatograph evaluation.
George serves on several API working groups that are developing and revising industry standards. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nuclear engineering from Kansas State University and a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan.