January 2014, Vol. 241 No. 1
Obama Names Cheryl LaFleur Acting Chairman Of FERC

“I would like to thank President Obama for this opportunity,” Cheryl A. LaFleur, newly named Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, said.
“I am honored to lead the commission at a time when the nation is making substantial changes in its energy supply and infrastructure to meet environmental challenges and improve reliability and security. The commission also has important work ahead in implementing Order No. 1000, setting transmission rates, and ensuring competitive markets work fairly and effectively for consumers. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the wonderful team at FERC to take our work forward.”
Since joining FERC in July 2010, LaFleur has focused attention on strengthening reliability and grid security, promoting regional transmission planning, and supporting a clean and diverse power supply. She serves as the FERC liaison to the Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee, is a member of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Committees on Electricity and Critical Infrastructure and co-chaired the FERC/NARUC Forum on Reliability and the Environment.