November 2013, Vol. 240 No. 11
In The News
ExxonMobil Completes Construction Milestones At Point Thomson Project

ExxonMobil’s Point Thomson project has completed several infrastructure milestones as part of an ongoing commitment to Alaska’s energy future.
Alaska Frontier Constructors were involved in completing the site airstrip and finishing construction of a service pier. A permanent camp, providing meals and housing to project workers, was built and is now fully operational. Point Thomson’s telecommunications and power systems are also fully operational. Completion of a condensate export pipeline – linking Point Thomson to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline system – is expected this winter. More than 2,200 vertical pipeline supports were installed.
Worley Parsons Group Inc., the primary engineering, procurement, and construction management contractor for Point Thomson, has awarded two subcontracts for the next major phases of development. CH2M HILL Alaska was awarded a subcontract for the installation of production system modules that make up the principle components of the permanent Point Thomson facilities. CH2M HILL is partnering with ASRC Energy Services and Delta Construction on field work beginning in 2014.