July 2012, Vol. 239 No. 7
Spectra Energy Receives FERC Certificate For New Jersey-New York Expansion

Spectra Energy Corp. received approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for its New Jersey-New York Expansion Project, which will transport natural gas supplies to high demand markets in northern New Jersey and New York City.
The 20-mile expansion of the company’s Texas Eastern Transmission and Algonquin Gas Transmission interstate pipeline systems, will provide 800 MMcf/d of additional capacity to the region once completed in late 2013.
“The project’s FERC certificate is the culmination of a comprehensive, multi-year review by numerous federal, state and local agencies,” said Greg Ebel, president and CEO, Spectra Energy Corp.
In other news, Spectra Energy plans to build a high-volume natural gas pipeline across a 230-mile gap from south central Tennessee through north Alabama and northwest Georgia on its way to link with a pipeline northeast of Atlanta.
According to a Rigzone report, officials with Spectra say that if a green light follows assessments by the FERC and other federal, state and local authorities, the proposed pipeline will connect directly the company’s Texas Eastern system in Columbia, TN to the Transco Interstate pipeline system near Lawrenceville, GA.
The pipeline’s capacity is projected at 1.25 Bcf/d, and it could be operational by mid-2016.