July 2012, Vol. 239 No. 7
Anadarkos Great Natural Buttes Project Wins Approval

In support of President Obama’s energy strategy and the administration’s goal of continuing to expand responsible oil and gas production, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar approved a major natural gas project in Utah’s Uinta Basin.
By signing the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Greater Natural Buttes Project, proposed by Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Salazar approved up to 3,675 new gas wells in an existing gas producing area in Uintah County, UT. The project encompasses 163,000 acres – but will bring new surface disturbance to just 5% of that area (8,100 acres) as a result of the 1,484 well pads approved in the ROD, which would be drilled over 10 years.
The wells would support an annual average of 1,709 jobs directly and 1,212 jobs indirectly. At peak development, the project would support 4,302 short-term jobs and an average of 875 long-term jobs over the production life of the project.
The ROD was prepared after a waiting period on the FEIS that was released April 5. It is available at http://www.blm.gov/ut/st/en/fo/vernal/planning/nepa_.html.