July 2012, Vol. 239 No. 7
In The News
Enterprise Paying $1 Million For Oil Spills

Enterprise Products paid a fine of more than $1 million concerning three spills in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. Enterprise Products spokesman Rick Rainey said all three incidents covered by the settlement announced May 29 were caused by factors outside the company’s control.
Rainey said the 2007 spill of about 71,000 gallons in Nebraska and the 2010 Kansas spill of about 75,600 gallons were both caused by another person digging up the pipeline. Rainey said the Iowa spill of nearly 34,500 gallons happened last year after flooding along the Missouri River washed away support for the pipeline.
As part of the settlement, Enterprise and its Mid-America Pipeline subsidiary promised to reduce external threats to the pipeline and improve their reporting of spills.