October 2011, Vol. 238 No. 10
Inergy Holds Open Season For North-South II Expansion/Extension

Inergy, L.P.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Inergy Midstream, LLC, held a nonbinding open season for shippers wanting to transport incremental natural gas volume on the existing Stagecoach North and South laterals and to a new pipeline interconnect with Dominion Transmission.
The existing North-South Project, placed into service in October, will enable shippers to transport up to 325 MMcf/d of gas bi-directionally on a firm basis from the Millennium Pipeline to Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s 300 Line and all points in between.
The additional capacity expansion contemplated by this open season will effectively enable shippers to transport a greater quantity of gas bi-directionally on a firm basis over the same route covered by the North-South Project and also to DTI.
The NS-II Project may include: setting of additional compression, expansion of existing measurement facilities, and installation of three miles of pipe connecting Millennium Pipeline and the Stagecoach North lateral to IPE’s pipeline.
Once complete, the NS-II project is expected to enhance the connectivity of the Stagecoach natural gas storage facility to four market-area pipelines including, TGP, Transco, Millennium, and DTI.
This non-binding open season closed on Oct. 15. The anticipated in-service date for the NS-II Project is Sept. 1, 2013, based on assumed volume commitments and resulting facilities.